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Fred and Barbara Erb Clinical Research Science Fellows

The Fred and Barbara Erb Clinical Research Science Fellowship grants prestigious fellowships to two top-ranked dementia scientists from around the world. This initiative will bring the best and brightest minds together to work on preventing, managing, and treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Fred A. Erb passed away on January 10, 2013, just before his 90th birthday, after living with Alzheimer’s disease for 12 years.

In recognition of his life and death, the Fred and Barbara Erb Family Foundation seeks improved prevention, management, and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease through leading research.

Alzheimer’s Association Fred and Barbara Erb Clinical Research Science Fellowships

In collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association, the Foundation made its largest ever investment in Alzheimer’s research by establishing the Fred and Barbara Erb Clinical Research Science Fellowships with a $3,275,000 grant payable over five years.

Fred and Barbara Erb Clinical Research Science Fellows will be selected by an international panel of experts who identify the most promising research through a rigorous three-tier peer-review process.  From approximately 40 proposals that are annually submitted for the Alzheimer’s Association Clinician Scientist Fellowship Awards, the Alzheimer’s Association will issue approximately 20 awards and select the two top-ranked grantees to be named the Fred and Barbara Erb Clinical Research Science Fellows.

Clinician Scientist Fellowships support research investigations by clinician scientists in Alzheimer’s and other dementia. A “clinician scientist” is defined as an individual who is trained, licensed and practicing in a clinical field that includes patient contact or patient-related diagnostic studies. Clinician scientists bring a vital perspective to dementia science from the front lines of care.

The Fred and Barbara Erb Fellows will each receive $300,000 research fellowships to be used to advance their research and take part in professional development opportunities, including participation in international research symposia and conferences.  We believe that the professional development of early-career scientists is essential to growing a workforce that is ready to meet the challenges presented by Alzheimer’s dementia and other forms of dementia. The Fred and Barbara Erb Fellows will expand and strengthen the field to move the world closer to the goal of effective prevention, management, and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Previous Erb Family Foundation Support for Alzheimer’s Research

Since 2009, the Foundation has worked in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association by supporting these research opportunities:

  • Zenith Fellows Award Program – These prestigious research grants are open to U.S. and international researchers who are making significant contributions to accelerating prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
  • New Investigator Research Grant Program – These grants are made to early-career researchers who are using novel approaches to study dementia and develop new treatments and prevention strategies. They also serve to attract and retain top scientists to dedicate their careers to Alzheimer’s research.
  • International Research Grant Program – The Foundation has provided general operating support for the Association’s entire Grant Program, which supports investigators at every professional stage who are focused on addressing identified gaps in current research.
  • Ante-Amyloid Prevention Study – This first trial to attempt to prevent Alzheimer’s disease by keeping amyloid from being deposited in the brain was not itself successful, but it paved the way for current therapies—the first wave of treatments that target the underlying biology of the disease.
  • U.S. POINTER – As the leading funder of this study, the Foundation is gratified to report extremely promising early results. US POINTER is one of the world’s largest clinical trials to evaluate whether lifestyle interventions that target several risk factors at the same time can protect cognitive decline. Early results show that simultaneously targeting exercise, diet, cognitive stimulation, socialization, and monitoring of heart health does have a protective effective on cognitive function.

About Alzheimer’s Disease

Dementia vs Alzheimer's

Photo credit: Alzheimer’s Association (

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of brain disorder that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior.  It is a gradually progressive condition that primarily affects people over age 65, though early onset can occur between the ages of 30 – 60.  Worldwide, more than 55 million people are living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia, including more than 6 million in the US.

As the global population ages these figures will increase, taking a bigger and bigger toll on healthcare and other resources. Alzheimer’s disease has devastating effects not only for patients, but also for families, caregivers, and the communities in which they live.

For more information about Alzheimer’s care, support and research visit Alzheimer’s Association.


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