Great Lakes
Improved water quality in the Great Lakes basin
Our Desired Outcome is a healthy Great Lakes, evidenced by increased stewardship and improved water quality in the Ausable Bayfield, Clinton, Detroit, Huron, Raisin, and Rouge watersheds.
To achieve that outcome, we support efforts to increase individual and institutional stewardship; improve understanding of emerging contaminants; and coordinate best practices and policies at the state, federal, and binational levels.
We will measure impact through annual reporting on water quality in our target watersheds.
Agricultural Runoff
Our Desired Outcome is a 50% reduction by 2025 in phosphorus in western Lake Erie through a focus on agricultural runoff and subsurface drainage.
To achieve that outcome, we support efforts to increase farmers’ adoption of sustainable conservation practices, including education, policies, market drivers, and financial incentives, and to engage businesses developing those solutions.
We will measure progress by tracking phosphorus loads into western Lake Erie.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Our Desired Outcome is the elimination of untreated combined sewer overflows in the Detroit River system through optimal use of green stormwater infrastructure.
To achieve that outcome, we support efforts to build awareness and demand; research and demonstrate ecological and economic feasibility; and align public and private efforts around green stormwater infrastructure.
We will measure impact by tracking acres of land and gallons of stormwater managed through green stormwater infrastructure and reductions in untreated combined sewer overflows.
We have found that applicants have the greatest success by contacting a program officer before submitting a Letter of Inquiry. For projects that align with our Stewardship or Agricultural Runoff outcomes, please contact Melissa Damaschke. For projects that align with our Green Stormwater Infrastructure outcomes, please contact Jodee Fishman Raines.