Our Logos



Click on the image to download the logo. All logos have transparent backgrounds (PNG files).

erbfamilyfoundation logo vert rgb

Full Color

erb family foundation logo vert black


erbfamilyfoundation logo vert white

White Logo/Transparent Background

erbfamilyfoundation logo vert rgb whiteletters

Full Color With White Letters


erbfamilyfoundation logo hor rgb

Full Color

erbfamilyfoundation logo hor black


erbfamilyfoundation logo hor white

White Logo/Transparent Background

erbfamilyfoundation logo whiteletters hor rgb

Full Color With White Letters

Recognition Preference in Text

On first reference, include the full name of the Foundation: Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. On subsequent references, it can be referred to as the Foundation or the Erb Family Foundation.


Please contact Taylor Trapani for additional assistance.