Fred A. Erb Clinical Research Fellows The Fred A. Erb Clinical Research Fellowship grants prestigious fellowships to two top-ranked dementia scientists from around the world. This...
The Erbs: A Founding Family of Royal Oak As a founding family of the City of Royal Oak, the Erb Family has a deep, rich history in the...
Agricultural Conservation Efforts Combat Lake Erie’s Toxic Algae Every year, Lake Erie’s algae bloom threatens the health and drinking water of more than 11 million people. Watch this...
The Great Lakes Way® The Great Lakes Way® will be an interconnected set of 156 miles of blueways and 160 miles of greenways stretching...
Advancing the Legacy of Cultural Arts in Detroit Transformational arts funding helped the Carr Center shift from a creative placemaking strategy to a programmatic strategy. Today, their performance...
Healthy Urban Waters Addresses Detroit River Contaminants More than six million people rely on the Detroit River for drinking water. The research group Healthy Urban Waters at...
Sustainable Development Through Sustainable Business SBN Detroit is a network of innovative leaders and businesses working to accelerate sustainable business practices in Detroit. By connecting...
Webinar Recording: Technical Tools that Focus Ag Conservation for Clean Water Results Having the right tools in the toolbox is necessary to address tough challenges like the toxic algal bloom in Lake...
Addressing Detroit’s Asthma Burden Through Advocacy According to SEMCOG, approximately 650-750 trucks travel residential roads in Southwest Detroit during a 12-hour period on a weekday. Watch...
Erb Institute Webinar: John Erb & Next Generation Sustainability Leaders On April 14th, 2022, John Erb joined a panel of next generation sustainability leaders at the Frederick A. and Barbara...
What does the Great Lakes watersheds map show? In collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, we created a color-coded map of the Great Lakes watersheds to show how they’re...
What is a watershed? Chair of the Erb Family Foundation, John Erb, shares what a watershed is and how the Great Lakes form a...