b'Tenets of Lasting Change Operating PrinciplesThe Foundation believes the following tenets are necessary to effect lasting change:SUSTAINABILITY.Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations, by harmonizing environmental, economic, and social interests.POSITIVE ROLE FOR BUSINESS.Collaborating with business as a force for good in society and for sustainability. STEWARDSHIP.Cultivating resident, business, nonprofit, and government responsibility and accountability for the communitys environmental and cultural assets.LEADERSHIP.Supporting energetic, visionary champions who have a broad base of support.COMMUNITY SUPPORT.Ensuring that efforts are relevant to and supported by the communities they affect.COLLABORATION.Working with a broad range of stakeholderscommunity members, business, nonprofits, government, academia, and philanthropyto advance shared goals.FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE.The opportunity for equal participation by all is an essential element of sustainability.50The Journey Forward'