b'Operating PrinciplesPARTNERING WITH GRANTEES:Respecting our grantees expertise, seeking to build strong nonprofit organizations, recognizing the funder-grantee power dynamic, and building open, trusting, mutually beneficial relationships.BEING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION:Making decisions based on the best available information, learning from our successes and failures, and continually striving to improve.ACTING AS STEWARDS:Responsibly using all the assets entrusted to us to advance the mission of the foundation.VALUING DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION:Creating an environment that respects individual differences along varying dimensions and fostering a culture that recognizes systemic inequities and strives to minimize bias.PROVIDING TRANSPARENCY:Sharing summary information on our approved grants, financials, and governance with the public and privately providing feedback to all applicants.The Journey Forward 51'