b'CreditsPhoto Credits CitationsCover: Fred and Barbara Erb. Credit: K. T. Tartakoff 1. Detroit Stormwater Hub. (2020, April). Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI). Retrieved Pg. 4: John M. Erb. Credit: Trysta Diamond from Detroit Stormwater Hub: https://detroitstormwater.org/Pg. 5 (L to R): Fishing on the Detroit River. Credit: Sam Wolson. Living Arts. DSO Civic2. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. 2019. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan Jazz Ensembles. Raingardens to the Rescue III. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. October. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/Pg. 9: Detroit Farm and Garden. Credit: Sam Wolson files/2019-10/documents/glri-action-plan-3-201910-30pp.pdfPg. 12: Living Arts3. State of the Detroit Child. (2017). State of the Detroit Child. Retrieved from State of the Detroit Child: https://sdc.datadrivendetroit.org/profiles/06000US2616322000-detroit-city-Pg. 14: Heidelberg Project. Credit: Sam Wolson wayne-county-mi/#child-povertyPg. 16: Erb Jazz Masterclass. Credit: Sheila Springsteen Greilick4. City of Detroit. 2019. MAKING DETROIT LEAD SAFE. https://detroitmi.gov/departments/Pg. 22: Mural by Hubert Massey, Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation water-and-sewerage-department/programs-and-initiatives/making-detroit-lead-safePg. 23: Rain Gardens to the Rescue. Credit: Trysta Diamond 5. 62 CBS Detroit. 2019. HUD Awards Over $9M To Detroit To Protect Families From Lead, Pg. 25: Rain Gardens to the Rescue. Credit: Erb Staff Other Home Health Hazards. October 8. https://detroit.cbslocal.com/2019/10/08/hud-awards-over-9m-to-detroit-to-protect-families-from-lead-other-home-health-hazards/Pg. 27: Fred and Barbara Erb. Credit: University of Michigan Photography6. Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments. 2018. Vegetative Buffer Toolkit. Pg. 32: Neil Hawkins. Credit: Trysta Diamond Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments. February. http://caphedetroit.sph.Pg. 33: John Erb and Neil Hawkins umich.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Reduced-Size-CAPHE-Buffer-Toolkit.pdfPg. 40: Art as Ritual. Credit: Ara Howrani 7. University of Michigan | Michigan Alzheimers Disease Center. (2020). Mind Matters. Pg. 42: Pewabic Pottery. Credit: Cybelle Retrieved from University of Michigan | Michigan Alzheimers Disease Center: https://alzheimers.med.umich.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/FW19-Newsletter-for-web-1.pdfPg. 44: Erb Jazz Masterclass. Credit: Sheila Springsteen GreilickPg. 52: Rain Gardens to the Rescue. Credit: Erma LeaphartPg. 54: Staff photography. Credit: Trysta DiamondVideo CreditsCass Corridor FilmsDesigned byTrapani CommunicationsPrinted by Inland PressPrinted in Detroit using soy and vegetable oil-based inks on 30% post-consumer recovered fiber manufactured with green power and enhanced elemental chlorine-free paper.The Journey Forward55'