2022-2023 Report Spotlights Impact
Our 2022 and 2023 Biennial Report showcases the strength and resiliency of our grant partners. We are grateful to have a role in their stories and impact.
With 13 spotlights in this report, we celebrate all the work our grant partners are doing such as Signal-Return’s expansion of its mission-driven programming at a newly renovated location, and Detroit Opera’s rebranding to reach new audiences. Others include Great Lakes Environmental Law Center’s commitment to giving a voice to people in metro Detroit battling air pollution that exacerbates asthma and hazardous levels of lead exposure.
The report also spotlights the impact of Great Lakes projects. One project is Alliance for the Great Lakes’ report investigating the investment needed to reach a 40 percent phosphorus reduction goal for the Western Lake Erie Basin by 2025. Another is longtime grantee, Healing Our Waters – Great Lakes Coalition. Since 2010, the organization has leveraged over $2 million in Foundation grants through the National Wildlife Federation to secure $5 billion in U.S. funding for restoration efforts.
Short videos in the report share about the inception of Sustainable Business Network of Detroit and the establishment of the Fred A. Erb Clinical Research Science Fellowship at the Alzheimer’s Association.
Over the past two fiscal years the Foundation invested $29.2 million in programming impacting our Anchor Arts, Jazz Education, Great Lakes Stewardship, Agricultural Runoff, Urban Runoff, Environmental Health and Justice, Sustainable Business, and Alzheimer’s Research program areas in the report are few of many. We are honored to celebrate the success and progress of our amazing grant partners.
View the ‘22–‘23 Report here.