b'ENVIRONMENTDesired Outcome: An environmentally healthy City of Detroit, Metropolitan Detroit region, and Great Lakes Ecosystem.GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, JUSTICE & Desired OutcomeEQUITABLE DEVELOPMENTImprovedwaterqualityintheGreatLakesbasin,especially the watersheds impacting Metro Detroit and Bayfield, Ontario,Desired Outcomethroughtheeliminationofpollutedrunoffandotherthreats,Sustainable(triple-bottom-line)development,sustainable resiliencytoclimatechange,andindividualandinstitutionalbusiness models, and public policies that are socially equitable stewardship. and sensitive to environmental and public health concerns in the Metropolitan Detroit region.The Foundation will consider support for activities that:The Foundation will consider support for projects that:Promotegreenstormwaterinfrastructuretoachieve community development as well as water quality goals. Promotesustainable(triple-bottom-line)development Inform and engage individuals, business, and governmentdevelopment that balances present and future sustainable about how their daily activities, choices, and policies canbusiness models, environmental, and social outcomes. help improve their watershed. Encourageentrepreneurialandresponsiblebusiness Improvebinationalcooperationandpoliciesonthesolutions to the regions environmental issues.Canadian and U.S. sides of the border to improve waterBuild a healthy and equitable local food system based on quality. sustainable solutions.Align environmental research, policy, and practice to workStrengthen collaborative, community-based efforts working toward a healthy Great Lakes. attheintersectionofenvironmentaljustice,sustainable business, and public health, that align research, policy and practice, and developing local environmental citizenship, advocacy, and leadership.Promote cooperation and collaboration between consumers, thebusinesscommunity,andgovernmentagenciesto develop policies and practices, encourage green chemistry, and address significant environmental toxins and pollutants.OUR GRANTS'