b'LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENTOur foundation made its first grants in 2009.Relationshipsofmutualrespectwere AsIreflectonthesepastnineyears,IamkeytoErbLumberssuccess.Inour proud of all that weve accomplished: creatinggrantmaking, this translates to a partnership an institution to honor my parents vision andapproachandunrestrictedsupport:a legacy, building our staff and external partners,measure of our trust in grantees missions and paying $70.5 million to date towards anand management.This past year, 40% of environmentallyhealthy,culturallyvibrantthe grants we approved were for general metro Detroit region. operating support. Whenwefirstcreatedthefoundation,weIntheirpersonalandprofessionallives, centered ourselves on my parents values. Mymyparentshadhighstandards.Atthe fatherwasabusinessmanwhobelievedthatfoundation,weremaincommittedto markets could drive social and environmentalexcellence,inourownpracticeandby progress;mymotherwasagardenerandconnecting grantees to the latest research environmentalistwhoenvisionedacleanandbestpractices.Forexample,we GreatLakesforhergrandchildrentoenjoy.havecommitted$7.7millionoverthe Together,wesettledonanoverarchinggoalpast6yearstoestablishtheUniversity of sustainability: balancing the environmental,ofMichiganWaterCenter,allowing economic,andsocialneedsofcurrentandresearchers to engage Detroit practitioners future generations.in the design of their work, rather than only the end product. Myparentsvaluesarealsoreflectedinour grantmaking: AsItransitiontoanewroleasCEOwhile remainingChairofourBoardofTrustees,I Erb Lumber was a family business and itsam pleased to welcome Dr. Neil Hawkins to employees and customers were part of thatour staff as President. A longstanding member family. Just as Erb Lumber cultivated long- of our board, Neil embodies our values and termrelationshipswithitsstakeholders,willhelpmoveusforwardonourpathtoa wetakealong-termapproachtooursustainable future. I will remain engaged with grantmaking. The data bears this out: in FYour partners and look forward to our continued 2018, 83% of our grants, totaling 90% ofwork together. our grant dollars, went towards multi-year commitments or renewal grants.Thank you, John M. Erb, President 4'